JavaScript has several top-level built-in functions. Let's have a look at
1. Spread Operator
- The Spread Operator expands an array into its elements. It can also be used for object literals.
const foodList = ['pizza','fries','samosa']; console.log(...foodList); // Output : pizza fries samosa
2. Filter()
- The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test.
const prices = [25,30,125,34,50]; prices.filter(function(price){ return price >= 30; }); // Output : [30,125,34,50]
3. Map()
- The map() method is similar to the filter() method in terms of returning a new array. However, the only difference is that it is used to modify items.
const productPriceList = [200,350,1500,5000];{ return item * 0.75; }); // Output : [150,262.5,1125,3750]
4. Reduce()
- The reduce() method can be used to transform an array into something else, which could be an integer, an object, a chain of promises. Eg : To sum a list of integers. In Short, it "reduces" the whole array into one value.
const weeklyExpenses = [200,350,1500,5000,450,680,350] weeklyExpenses.reduce(function(first,last){ return first+last; }); // Output : 8530
5. Includes()
- The included() method is used to check if a specific string exists in a collection, and returns true or false.
const garage = ['BMW','AUDI','VOLVO']; const findCar = garage.includes('BMW'); console.log(findCar); // Output : true
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